Welcome to the #genesiswp facebook group, we are so glad you’re here!
Group Rules
The Genesis community is helpful, encouraging, and supportive. This group is for sharing and connecting with one another in an effort to build that community. To keep this group going strong and running efficiently, the admins have put together these guidelines for everyone to follow.
1: Manners, y’all. Be Kind.
2: Before posting, ask yourself “does this contribute to the community?” or “Is this a support question better suited for either the StudioPress forums, or the support team of a respective theme developer?”
Because the overall goal is to bring our community together, and grow, please do not hesitate to post your question. If it is Genesis related, you’re likely good to go. If the moderators decide it’s not, we will simply comment with a gentle reminder.
Please note:
a) This group is Not official StudioPress support
b) Your question may go unanswered (please don’t “BUMP” your post).
Your question relates to Genesis if:
- your Genesis child theme is sold on StudioPress.com or is built on the Genesis Framework, and it’s related to the CSS, the JS, and or the php inside that theme.
- you’re using a StudioPress plugin
Your question does not relate to Genesis if:
- if it’s a general web design, development, hosting question (StudioPress sites not included) whether or not you are using Genesis.
- if it’s about a plugin recommendation
- if it’s about hosting issues
- you are looking for hosting recommendations
3: Google your question before posting.
4: Participating in discussions is encouraged, despite knowledge level.
5: Please refrain from self-promotion. If you have a link to a resources that helps answer a question, feel free to share it. If it’s an announcement of a genesis product (theme, plugin, etc) please let StudioPress share it.
6: If your post is resolved, please mark it RESOLVED, and close it.
7: If you are looking to hire a developer, please provide a way that someone can respond to your enquiry outside of this group (via email, DM, a contact form on your website etc.) Please turn off commenting.
8: Please search this forum to see if your question has been asked & answered previously.
Looking for something outside of these guidelines?
Genesis Support Forum: http://www.studiopress.com/forums/
Freelance and Referrals: https://www.facebook.com/groups/676484919048567/
Advanced WordPress: https://www.facebook.com/groups/advancedwp/
WordPress Plugin Suggestions: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wordpresspluginsuggestions/
Beaver Builders: https://www.facebook.com/groups/beaverbuilders/